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Alfalfa Seeds. Lucerne, Medicago Sativa

Alfalfa Seeds. Lucerne, Medicago Sativa

Alfalfa Seeds. Lucerne, Medicago Sativa
6,00 USD
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Передзвоніть мені
Alfalfa and Clovers are the prime products of Kohenoor International. We have various varieties for Europe, Africa, Gulf, Australia, Russia, North and South America. All our forage varieties are in highest purity free from all weeds and impurities. To maintain the quality, we process our sowing seeds at advance processing facility and at optical color and shape sorting equipment. With the help of in-house seed quality assessment laboratory, we precisely analyze the purity and seed health of each batch. It gives us the confidence on our produce and excellent production to our clients. Kohenoor Internatioanl offers its two varieties of Alfalfa for cold and hot climates. KN92 Taiztar Address: 1/2 1336 Old Subzi Market Hyderabad 71000, Sindh, Pakistan

Alfalfa and Clovers are the prime products of Kohenoor International. We have various varieties for Europe, Africa, Gulf, Australia, Russia, North and South America. All our forage varieties are in highest purity free from all weeds and impurities. To maintain the quality, we process our sowing seeds at advance processing facility and at optical color and shape sorting equipment. With the help of in-house seed quality assessment laboratory, we precisely analyze the purity and seed health of each batch. It gives us the confidence on our produce and excellent production to our clients.

Kohenoor Internatioanl offers its two varieties of Alfalfa for cold and hot climates.

  • KN92
  • Taiztar

Address: 1/2 1336 Old Subzi Market Hyderabad 71000, Sindh, Pakistan

Alfalfa and Clovers are the prime products of Kohenoor International. We have various varieties for Europe, Africa, Gulf, Australia, Russia, North and South America. All our forage varieties are in highest purity free from all weeds and impurities. To maintain the quality, we process our sowing seeds at advance processing facility and at optical color and shape sorting equipment. With the help of in-house seed quality assessment laboratory, we precisely analyze the purity and seed health of each batch. It gives us the confidence on our produce and excellent production to our clients.

Kohenoor Internatioanl offers its two varieties of Alfalfa for cold and hot climates.

  • KN92
  • Taiztar

Address: 1/2 1336 Old Subzi Market Hyderabad 71000, Sindh, Pakistan

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